Kit by: Kelly Goss
Vegan, Foodie & Blogger

Sometimes you want to get a gift for someone that transcends the average material gift. A gift that not only feels good to give, but one that you know the other person will enjoy and feel truly thankful for. These gifts do just that — and a lot more. No joke. Seriously, these gifts help the planet.

In this kit, you’ll find 10 gifts worth giving. 10 gifts that help to protect wildlife, our land and oceans, and provide economic empowerment for those in need. I had to sift and sort through a lot of sites to find these gifts, but I’m very happy with the initiatives these gifts help to support and with the organizations that make them possible.

As a final note, I often hear that people feel helpless when it comes to bringing about positive change, and I get it — but I feel that these gifts will help to quell those feelings. Every purchase makes a real, tangible difference.

Top 10 Best Gifts that Support A Good Cause

This kit showcases the top 10 best gifts that support a good cause. Each gift is hand-curated & goes to supporting good causes like wildlife conservation. These are gifts that support a good cause.

Top 10 Best Gifts that Support A Good Cause


Symbolic Adoption of an African Elephant – Gift Helps to Preserve Their Habitat
By: World Wildlife Fund

A Conscious Alternative

The World Wildlife Foundation is a beautiful organization that does some incredible things when it comes to supporting and promoting habitat preservation and species conservation. They spotlight a number of endangered animals that you can symbolically adopt, ranging from Sea Turtles and the Sumatran Rhino, to the critically endangered Amur Leopard. Along with your adoption certificate, you’ll get a few extra goodies. If you’re interested, click through to see what they offer. They have a couple options you can choose from.

Plant New Trees or Reforest Areas in American Forests
By: American Forests

A Conscious Alternative

Reforestation is tremendously important and helps to not only provide a much needed habitat for wildlife, but also aids in the process of carbon sequestration. Trees and forests are one of the largest carbon sinks, meaning they store carbon that’s been released into the atmosphere. Reforesting parts of the environment that have been damaged by logging practices — and other destructive activities — will be an important part of creating a more sustainable future. You can read about some of the negative consequences of the logging industry here.

Gift Proceeds Go To Protecting Ocean Wildlife & Ocean Cleanup Efforts
By: Project Aware

A Conscious Alternative

I feel that marine wildlife conservation and protection is often given a backseat. Project AWARE is involved with a few great and needed initiatives to bring attention to our seas and oceans. According to their site, gifts and donations are “helping to secure historic protected spots” for threatened marine wildlife, and help to protect our “ocean wildlife from the growing onslaught of trash”.

Save An Acre of Rainforest for Sumatran Orangutan
By: The Rainforest Site

A Conscious Alternative

Deforestation in Sumatra is a massive problem that isn’t getting its fair share of media attention. Some of the world’s most rare and ecologically important species are being threatened in these areas. Habitats with this kind of biodiversity must be protected. According to their site, GreaterGood and The Rainforest Trust are “teaming up with local Sumatran agency, YKEHS, to create three protected areas within the Central Sumatran forest ecosystem that will conserve 200,396 acres”. These reserves will “provide essential habitat for not only Sumatran orangutans, but Elephants, Tigers, and many other imperiled species as well”.

Symbolic Adoption of an Orca – Gift Helps to Preserve Their Marine Habitat

A Conscious Alternative

OCEANA is another wonderful and super important organization that’s helping to create more biodiverse marine ecosystems around the world. Their efforts range from trying to stop over-fishing practices, which are depleting much of the oceans natural resources, to cleaning up and ridding the ocean of pollution. Like the WWF, OCEANA offers symbolic adoption gifts. This one goes to helping to protect Orcas and their habitat.

Symbolically Adopt an Acre of Land in Central Appalachians – Gift Proceeds Go To Protecting / Preserving the Land
By: The Nature Conservancy

A Conscious Alternative

The Nature Conservancy is a nonprofit organization that seeks to conserve both land and water habitats. To date, they’ve protected more than 119 million acres of land and thousands of miles of rivers worldwide. This gift acts as a symbolic donation and goes towards their Adopt an Acre® program, which helps to restore threatened ecosystems, like the Central Appalachians.

Banish Cruelty from Our Seas
By: Sea Change

A Conscious Alternative

This organization is similar to the WWF, in that they have several initiatives that focus on supporting certain species in need of assistance. Their gift programs, though, also go towards aiding specific efforts and initiatives — ranging from educational programs that teach children about animal welfare, to the one I’ve selected that assists the organization Sea Change in helping to stop whales, seals, turtles and sea birds from being hurt and killed by discarded fishing gear in the United States.

Help To Provide Economic Empowerment for Those in Need
By: Heifer Foundation

A Conscious Alternative

The Heifer Foundation is a super well-known organization that creates programs that help to support positive, lasting change in places across the globe, while working towards providing your own family with financial security. They have several gift giving options where when you help, you too receive benefits. I know this sounds a bit vague, but you can click through to read about their financial plans. It’s a pretty novel idea.

Symbolic Adoption of a Polar Bear – Gift Helps to Preserve Their Habitat
By: World Wildlife Fund

A Conscious Alternative

Like the African Elephant gift above by the World Wildlife Foundation, this one is a symbolic adoption, but of a Polar Bear. This gift helps to protect and preserve their habitat, which is being heavily impacted by climate change and sea level rise, and helps to provide them with food resources. Due to the shrinking of ice sheets, food in the region is dwindling and Polar Bears are dying of starvation. Every bit helps.

Gift Will Help Save Bees, which are Dying at an Alarming Rate, by Planting Bee-Friendly Wildflowers

A Conscious Alternative

Bees are a keystone species. Saying that bees are ecologically important is an understatement. Bees play an integral role in helping to pollinate flowers and spread nutrients across plant-life. According to the NRDC, this gift works in partnership with Seedles, an organization dedicated to promoting bee health, to “donate bee-friendly wildflower kits, including seeds, pots, compost and instructions, to classrooms, which will plant wildflowers on behalf of your gift recipient”.

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Hello! I’m a seasoned foodie here in NYC. I’ve been to just about all of the up-and-coming vegan bakeries and vegetarian restaurants around lower Manhattan. And, if I’m being honest, I have quite a sweet tooth and love to bake cookies and pastries in my free time! I’ve been a vegan for about a year now — and besides feeling healthier and more energized — it’s super fun to explore this whole new culinary world of vegan dessert and dinner recipes.


Have a questionI’ll answer.


    This site is too perfect!! Did you find any gifts to support local communities?

      Thank you! There are no gifts that support *local* communities in this kit, per se. But you’d have to tell us what you mean by local communities. The kit does have gifts that support communities in need around the world and a diverse assortment of gifts that support marine and forest ecosystems. Check out the Heifer Foundation if you’re interested in finding communities to support around the world.

    Favorite one yet, exactly what I was looking for.

      Awesome!! Thank you 🙂

    Fan of this, great work!

      Thank you! We’re very happy with it too 🙂

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Top 10 Best Gifts that Support A Good Cause

gifts that support a good cause. gifts that support a good cause. This kit showcases the top 10 best gifts that support a good cause. Each gift is hand-curated & goes to supporting good causes like wildlife conservation. These are gifts that support a good cause. gifts that support a good cause. gifts that support a good cause.

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